Professional Deck Coating Services

From beachfront decks with plenty of foot traffic to backyard decks for relaxing and home entertaining, your deck is a crucial component of your property. Whether you’ve had it for years or experienced unexpected damage recently, dealing with a worn-out deck is a pain. If you want your deck’s surface to be blemish-free and highly functional for years to come, read more about our professional deck coating services, available throughout greater San Diego, CA.

Cleaning the Surface

Just like preparing for a paint job or waterproofing, it’s essential your deck is completely cleared of dirt and debris before we begin. Our teams are pros at clearing plywood, broken pieces of concrete, and grime that have built up for months or years.

We will also patch up any cracks or gaps in your deck to ensure moisture can’t creep into imperfections and compromise the new seal work. This is the most important step in the entire process, and only when a clear surface has been obtained will we start priming.

Sanding and Priming

If you’ve hired our professional deck coating services to coat a concrete or plywood deck, we sand or grind down the entire surface to prepare it for priming. This eliminates peeling and chipping from previous deck paint or sealer that stands in the way of the bright, fresh appearance you’re looking forward to seeing on your deck. We always bring the correct primer for the deck material in question.

Application of Sealer and Coating

After your deck has been entirely cleaned and primed, we apply the first sealer coat in smooth, even portions. We apply it in sections of two to three boards at a time to ensure the sealer adheres properly. This also allows our team to back-roll any sections where sealer is bubbling or too thick, so it doesn’t compromise a smooth new deck surface.

Whether you’re interested in a more woodsy appearance or an extremely firm, composite surface, you can count on our comprehensive deck coating services in greater San Diego, CA. Magnesite Specialties, Inc. uses the right combination of procedures, sealants, and techniques to provide you with a clear, long-lasting, and sturdy deck coat every time. Contact us today to request a free quote!